It will be on 2days 2 nite. Departure from Singapore on the 15th night June'07 , 17 th June'07 will leave the hill. We will be travelling by coach.
Please state in the comment below, you name, whether you going or not going. If you have any special arrangement please do indicate. Closing date by 15th of May '07 .....

Harlowz WQ!
Count me and Janice boon in.
So lucky, the dates fall nicely on our mid sem break!
Having lesson even at this moment, but the lecturer is SOOOOOOOO boring... Yawnz.
Great blog!
ZZ Sew
aH kIONG will go there by coach back by helicopter...heehee ...
天宫保佑. . .
Hey Hey, Count me in,
You all enjoy yourselves for the trip, I will not be joining you all.
Wow!!!! its been such a long a time since so many ppl ON sia!!!!
Great... KTV and others ALL THE WAY for ur.
Me ley: Can u hear something.... Lai Lai, come HUAT Arhh!!!
Btw lixiong request can postpone to aug as he is visiting 'Mr. Yudhoyono'on that week to discuss on the bilateral issues on importing sands and expat treaty. keke
Anyway we still can push for the Jun trip and we might wanna to go again during July lor...
Bro Foong,
No worries, but still hope that u will join us other overseas exercise real soon.
Hopefully right after brother Xander started to address as jianwen 'kuo kuo'
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