Friday, May 6, 2011

Reaching the 30s

As age increase do QiangZai have more decisions to make?

On the very First day morning of my 30s . A important decision I had to made . To cast a vote on my country's,Singapore, future.

Over the 9 years I was provided with no opportunity to empower as a Singaporeans.
This year it made interesting as there are more Colours on the maps not only the white.

My vote swing within the 9 days of ralliesand debates.

Be truth to myself do not be affect by others
What I have presently?
What I need ?
What I desire?
Are you really for the uncertain future ahead?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Puppet also can be Dramatic- Lion King

Puppet had became the star . Actor had became Puppet.
This combination was clever merged and with the magnificent script it had came alive.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tensile report announcement delay

A shock! Qiangzai's tensile report had announcement delay without time given.

After knowing the external pressure had jeopardized the result and plan of the Qiangzai's tensile report.

Which Qiangzai ,at this point all plan and thought will put to standstill.

The external pressure had opened a can of worms and lead to decay.

When will the tensile report be out?

QiangZai - all effort is washed to the drain.